Tortoise Food Plants

from £49.99

Introducing the "Tortoise Food Plants collection," a carefully curated assortment of edible, tortoise-friendly plants. This blend includes nutritious options like dandelion, knapweed, and clover, providing a varied and balanced diet for your tortoise.

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Introducing the "Tortoise Food Plants collection," a carefully curated assortment of edible, tortoise-friendly plants. This blend includes nutritious options like dandelion, knapweed, and clover, providing a varied and balanced diet for your tortoise.

Introducing the "Tortoise Food Plants collection," a carefully curated assortment of edible, tortoise-friendly plants. This blend includes nutritious options like dandelion, knapweed, and clover, providing a varied and balanced diet for your tortoise.

Contains 13 species from the list below. (substitutions may apply)

Autumn Hawkbit, Betony, Black Medick, Bucks-horn Plantain, Bugle, Chicory, Clustered Bellflower, Common Catsear, Creeping Jenny, Dandelion, Dog Violet, English Stonecrop, Goats Beard, Greater Knapweed, Hawkweed, Heartsease, Hedge Bedstraw, Hedge Garlic, Hedgerow Cranesbill, Hoary Plantain, Ivy Leaved Toadflax, Lady’s Bedstraw, Lesser Knapweed, Marsh/Musk Mallow, Nettle Leaved Bellflower, Red Clover, Red Valerian, Reflexed Stonecrop, Ribwort Plantain, Rock Cinquefoil, Rough Hawkbit, Salsify, Selfheal, Silverweed, Small Teasel, Sulphur Clover, Teasel, Tufted Vetch, White Clover, White Stonecrop, Wild Clematis, Wood Forget me Not, Woodruff, Zig Zag Clover.

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